I met the wonderful Nicole Rogers for the first time at one of Corey McNabb‘s photography workshops I took in ’07. The whole class became good friends and we’ve kept in touch since then. But “the alumni” are from all around the states so I haven’t seen any of them since the workshop… including Nicole. That’s why I was so excited when she contacted me to photograph she and her husband Tracy! So on Wednesday, they traveled 5 hours to do an “anytime session” with me to celebrate their 5 year anniversary.
I love photographing married couples who come to me to document their love for each other. If you’ve been with someone with a number of years, gone through hardships, lived life together, your love becomes deeper and deeper. Photographing that love always tends to be a wonderful time, and this was no different. The love and commitment Tracy and Nicole share was beautiful. I really enjoyed hanging out with them for a couple of hours and getting to know them better!
Here are just a few of my favorites!
Thank you Nicole and Tracy for choosing ME to document your love and then traveling 5 hours to do so. That’s so humbling! And it was great seeing you again Nicole! Can you believe how long it’s been since Corey’s workshop? Good times!
If you’re part of the few people who actually reads what I write on my blog (and not just looks at the photos), please comment to congratulate them on their 5 year anniversary! I know they’d appreciate it!