Rachel and Adam » Engagement

**Be sure to check out the contest on the bottom of this post!**

I was so excited when I got an email from Rachel saying that she was engaged!  I had photographed her and her family before when her brother was leaving over seas in the military.  So this time, I got to meet her fiance Adam!  Couldn’t ask for a nicer couple to photograph.  REALLY enjoyed hanging out with them for a couple of hours, taking photos and getting to know both of them better.

Rachel found this beautiful spot to do her engagement pics on their friends property.  It was like out of a story book. Just breathtaking beauty all around. With a small swampy area, it didn’t even look like it was in Georgia… more like Florida or South Louisiana.

Check out this absolutely beautiful couple!





















To celebrate our new business facebook  page, we wanted to do something new.  With our new page, ANYONE can comment on the photos (not just the ones that are friends with me).  So we want to see your comments!  So here’s the deal:

Go check out Rachel and Adams photos on our Facebook page and comment on your favorite (or all the ones your really, really like).  The image with the most comments in one week, we’re going to give a 16″x20″ styrene mounted print with linen texture to them!

The easy steps:

  1. Find your favorite photo(s) from above.
  2. Click on this link to go to these photos on our Facebook Page
  3. Become a fan (if you haven’t already)
  4. Comment on your favorite image(s) from this session
  5. In one week we’ll see which photo won!

So do your part to help Rachel and Adam get your favorite image!

And if you haven’t done so yet, join our new Facebook page!

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What other’s are saying

Something subtle, yet powerful, happens when I look at Bo. There’s an energy present that is very real and felt only between the two of us. It is the connection we have with each other, embodying all that brought us together and the love we share. I imagine that most people assume it’s there, but no one actually looks for it. Except you. Instead of taking pictures of the two of us, you capture what is between us. It is a profound gift that you have, Rich, to catch meaning in a glance or love in a touch. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us. - Rebekah Hughes

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