Rich’s Workshop

I love spreading my passion. Helping people dream and become better. That’s why I do workshops. This section is about taking your photography to the next level. Interested? Keep reading.

The photo on this page was taken by one of my students. Awesome, isn’t it?

A lot of photographers keep their camera on some sort of automatic mode. Hoping an emotionless camera will read their mind to produce the photo they’re imagining in their head. Don’t let the camera think for you.

That’s where I step in. I give you the knowledge and tools to help you think for the camera; start thinking like a camera; start viewing the world the way your camera sees the world and not the way your eyes see it; embrace the light you see around you and not run automatically to the shade. And that’s when it gets fun. That’s when you’ll get stunning photos that makes you stand out. And that’s when you become more efficient in telling the story of your world.

Still with me? Think you can’t do it? Think again. Read this short testimonial:

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Dear Rich, when I first contacted you about mentoring sessions I was excited and nervous…excited about learning from you because I adore your work…nervous because different people teach in a wide variety of styles and I sincerely hoped that your teaching style would match my learning style.

Here I am a full year later trying to find words to describe how I feel about my mentoring experience with you. If I had to sum it up into one word, I think that word would be blessed.

I feel so blessed that I found you and reached out to you. I feel so blessed that you are not just an amazing photographer and crazy talented artist, but also a phenomenal teacher. I have never looked forward to any learning experience like I do our sessions. I sit in rapture the entire time…8-10 hours go by in what seems like mere moments. I have taken photography courses at the University of TN as well as mentoring sessions with other photographers. I honestly walked away with more from my first two-day session with you that I learned in two semesters at UT! I feel blessed that you have given me such an amazing gift…you have fueled my passion and helped me grow as a photographer. I feel so very, very blessed to know and love you and your precious family.

I cannot think of a better way to express my feelings for this past year of mentoring with you. I am blessed. I chose the perfect teacher.



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As a blooming photographer or as I preferred to call myself “someone who likes to take pictures” I was totally overwhelmed by the art and business of photography. Thanks to a wonderful birthday gift from my parents I had the opportunity to have a personalized, one on one workshop with Rich Smith and oh what a present it was. My workshop started at 9 am and included more information than I ever thought I could cram into my brain. Rich took the time to call me prior to my workshop and get a feel for where I was in my “journey” and then tailored the information he filled me with directly with what I wanted to know and where I wanted to go with my craft. rich even went as far as to schedule a photo shoot with a couple at the end of the day since one of the things I admire most about him is how he “gets” people and the connection that exists between them. It has taken some time to come home and sort through all of the information he passed along and it is very clear that we just barely scratched the surface, but I have gained and immense amount of knowledge and confidence from him and this workshop. I continue to put his advice and wisdom into action with every shoot and continue to learn and improve with every picture I take. Everyone knows that Rich is an awesome photographer but what every photographer needs to know is that he is also an awesome teacher. His skill is phenomenal, his knowledge is immense and his ability to transfer that knowledge is amazing! I am lucky to be able to call him teacher and friend!




Is your heart beating a bit faster? Already started dreaming?

Here are some commonly asked questions:

How long is the workshop?
Each workshop is a day long. 8-10 hours long depending on how much we need to go over. If you can not afford to be away from your home or business that long, I can arrange for two half days (weekdays only).

I know less than nothing when it comes to photography. How much technical knowledge would you suggest I have before taking your workshop?
You could literally walk in having never seen a camera before. I teach you from square one.

I only have a point-n-shoot camera. Would you suggest me having a DSLR camera (a camera you can change lenses) before taking your course?
I definitely would suggest to get the most out of one of my workshops that you have a DSLR camera. Most of the techniques I cover will need to utilize the more powerful features of a DSLR.

I’ve been a photographer for a while but feel like I could use some work in a certain area. Would you teach me?
Definitely. Come on!

Okay, you talked me into it. How much does it cost?
A one-day workshop with us is $800.

Where do I sign up?
Just use the contact form above and we’ll get in touch with you to get a date on the calendar!

I need more information. Contact us. We’ll get your questions answered.

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What other’s are saying

Something subtle, yet powerful, happens when I look at Bo. There’s an energy present that is very real and felt only between the two of us. It is the connection we have with each other, embodying all that brought us together and the love we share. I imagine that most people assume it’s there, but no one actually looks for it. Except you. Instead of taking pictures of the two of us, you capture what is between us. It is a profound gift that you have, Rich, to catch meaning in a glance or love in a touch. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us. - Rebekah Hughes

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